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After having been introduced to Effective Lesson Planning Following the Principles of Course Design, what are your expectations from this session? What do you expect to have achieved by the end of these 6 weeks of On-Line trainning?




Participant 1:  Rubena


I expect to share experiences and learn from you and to hear about your particular students and the environment in which you work and your opinion on various aspects of language teaching and lesson planning.



Participant 2:  Leticia


I’m looking forward to learning a lot from experiences world wide. I hope that you read all of the messages and announcements, that  most can attend the synchronous sessions,  finish the activities programmed for each week so we’ll have marvellous lesson plans to be shared with other colleagues.



Participant 3: Dara


I’d like to become aware of the most important tools we can count on  in planning lessons.  I’d like to learn to manage all those tools and resources in a productive and effective way according to the different needs of potential students and that by the end of the course we’ll all have exchanged experiences which I think are going to be very useful.

I want to learn to be more concrete in expressing objectives and expectations.



Participant 4: Gina


I have no expectations because for me it’s really important to be open minded as there is a lot to learn and new things to try…I want to just stay as open as possible to learn from all of my colleagues here.  The reason I joined is because lesson planning is something that is incredibly important and I think you can never be too prepared.  I look  forward to learning alongside all of you.

Participant 5: Jose


What I expect from the session is that by discussing and sharing my experiences and learning from you I can become a better teacher by thinking and reacting to the way I currently plan my lessons and getting tips on things I should be doing from now on.

Participant 6: Idad


I’m in the first steps of teaching and Lessons plans are important if we want to have successful teaching and learning.  Here I am to learn a lot from you and share my experience too.

Participant 7:  Hala


My expectations are that by the end of the session I’ll be able to plan my own lessons and even plan complete courses for my students.

Participant 8: Nahir


 My expectations from these sessions is to update myself on lesson planning and  to improve the way I do them.  I hope to learn a lot and to share a lot with you and with everybody here. 


Participant 8: Carolina


I strongly believe that a good lesson plan makes the learning experience interesting, motivating, and most importantly meaningful. I like students to go home with the feeling of having actually learned something that is useful, that they have received what they came for. I'm aware that a needs analysis is crucial for preparing a lesson plan but I don't seem to find this balance every day. So, what I expect from these sessions is to be part of discussions where I might find good ideas and answers on how to meet the needs of my students with the objectives of the course ... and the material in textbooks!



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